Harvest Pointe Methodist Church

Bread of Life, Pt. 3

Emily Moore

We're going to be in the Old Testament. We're going to be in first kings today. First kings. Now, growing up, there was a couple words that my parents frequently mentioned. And when they would say these particular two words, I did not have to ask for a definition.


I never asked what they meant by it. Usually it was spoken when me and my brother were in the back seat and we had had enough of each other and we were fussing. And usually I'm sure it was Adam's fault, and he was probably irritating me. But my parents, sometimes my dad would just magically look in that little mirror, and I could see his eyes, and he would say two words. He would say, that's enough.


Y'all heard it, too. Y'all have dads like I have dads. That's enough. And, you know, something happens as you begin to parenthood. All of a sudden, you hear yourself saying words that you heard growing up, and then I'll look at my kids and I'll say, that's enough.


And they don't have to ask, oh, what might she mean by that? They know exactly. You better stop what you're doing. I was asking my brother. I said, do you remember hearing, that's enough.


I felt like we heard that all the time. And he said he was a wrestler, and usually he would be practicing his maneuvers on me, and all of a sudden, mom would say that, enough. It was getting too far. That's enough. On the other side, sometimes in life, we get to hear the words of Jesus at just the right time.


He'll speak to our hearts. And I tell you, when you hear Jesus speak, it's enough. It's enough. No matter what you're going through, when you hear Jesus speak, it's enough. One year ago today, I was preparing to drop off my son at college.


And I can tell you that that process, some of you know what that's like. Have you ever left a child at school before? Raise your hand? Some of you have. Yes.


Yes. It's not an easy process. And so that process of dropping someone off is hard. And I was preparing myself. So I had prayed, and I said, you know what?


I'm not going to be that mama that sobs as she leaves. And I had seen some Facebook pictures of moms with mascara running down their face. And Eli had warned me, he said, mom, please, please don't post that on Facebook. And I said, of course I wouldn't post that. I mean, who does that?


Well, a lot of people do. Anyways, I had prepared myself, and I said, you know what, God, on the day I dropped him off at college will be a day of worship. I love to worship. So I'm going to worship my way to Tuscaloosa, and I'm going to worship my way home. That's what I planned to do.


And so on that day, I did real good, and God helped me, and I dropped him off. And in his dorm, there's four. Four rooms, and everybody's. All the parents are there. His room is set up.


And Eli gently looks at us and says, are you ready to go? And I'm thinking to myself, you know, there has to be a family that leaves first. Might as well be us. Okay? So we leave.


And God helped me. And I tell you what, I did not cry. Did not break down until he turned around. And when he left, I did not get off campus before I broke down. And I am driving my dad's borrowed truck because you have so much stuff to take.


And we learned a lesson, didn't we? We don't need all that stuff. Anyways, we dropped it off. And so as I'm leaving campus, I am sobbing, and I'm trying to cry quiet. Some of you women know what that's like when you try to cry quiet.


You can't breathe, actually, and so you're trying. And I'm driving, and my youngest son is in the backseat, and my husband's beside me, and I'm pretending nobody can see me. And I've got

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